Tony Holmes, is a well respected authority on all things Juke box, he was the the original proprietor of the well known UK company “The Juke Joint”, Tony is a legend among UK jukebox collectors, he has been restoring, repairing and writing about classic jukeboxes since the 1970's. and we welcome him to the Ditchburn Project to discuss and share the restoration of his only known surviving Jack Hylton Music Maker MK1 Jukebox.
in 2014 The Condition is still the same as when I bought it 19 years earlier.
Tony had bought the machine from an auction in London 19 years previously and it had sat in storage until 2014, this is where we join Tony for the start of the restoration. All the Photos below are Courtesy of Tony Holmes
Thepanelshadtocomeoutandoutthey cametorevealthattheywereactually originallyred.Theyweremadefrom aluminiumsheetwhichuponinspectionhad startedtocorrodethewayaluminiumdoes ,theywereblisteredandpowderingandsoI decidedtoreplacethelotwithnewplastic colourmatchedsheets.somemayfrownon thisdecisionbutthesesheetswerebacked insidewithasbestospaddedpanelsto preventvibrationandtheydefinitelyhadto goIhaveretainedalltheyellowdaubed panels for reference.
Sotheteardownhasbegun,everythingout…plastics,wiring,thelot.Referencehasbeenmade insomeofthehistorynotesthatthemaincabinetframesweremadefrommilitarypackingcases, inparticular AmericanOakThisisbornoutbythefacttherearenosectionsintheentirecabinet that are more than 6 inches wide even the bottom of the cabinet floor is planked.
Noteherethenumber488onpartsoftheframethisis handwrittenonseveralsections,itisalsostampedinto the woodwork.
The outer plastics removed.
Some of the joinery work is superb.
TheinternalcoatingoftraditionalHawtin’s/DitchburnGreen,itseems nomachineleftthefactorieswithoutsomeformofgreeninsidethem, usuallyontheframeandcontrolbox,andthiswasalsothereasoning behind the colours used on this website.
The new red side panels and original plastics are re-fitted back into the case.
There-paintedventpanels,there-finishedbackdoors,arere-fittedto the back of the case. and the front speaker grill is also fixed into place.
Next the Amplifier, controls section and record playing mechanism.
The Front View.
The Rear View.
THE AMPLIFIERThiswasmanufacturedbytheMagnetaTimeCompany ofLeatherheadSurrey,Itismyunderstandingthat thesewerethefirstamplifiersusedintheJackHylton MK1andthatsomemadetherewayintotheMK2 modelwhentheywereconvertedoverbyDitchburn whothenwentontouseamplifiersmadeforthemby BTH,althoughitspossiblethatthiswastheotherway around.MagnetaTimewasstillinbusinessin Leatherheaduntilthelateseventiestheywerea divisionofGOBLINandspecialisedinPAsystemsfor factories among other things.
Inside the “green” side control box.
Thesidecontrolbox,interfacedwiththe creditunit,theplayingmechanism,and switchedthevalveamplifieroutofstandby mode when a record was selected.
The above parts were transferred to the MK2 models and then the MK2R as well.
The Wurlitzer 16 selection playing mechanism was restored
The Pick up is arm now converted to Astatic 51these arms did not make it to the MK2 models
Titleboardwithnewinserts,Anewtitledesignsoftware programmewaswrittenformebyJohnSmouttoprintthe titles, these are on four cards with four titles on each.
ABIGthankyoutoTonyHolmesforsharingthisinsight totherestorationofarareandpreviouslylittleknown aboutjukebox,andhopefullywecankeepthehistoryof thesewonderfulBritishmachinesaliveformany generations to come.
Click on YouTube video below to see the MK 1 in action